Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Populous-the Beginning Vollversion Populous The Beginning, Where Can I Get This Game?

Populous The Beginning, where can I get this game? - populous-the beginning vollversion

I had a copy within populations, but not anywhere in his place in ... I wanted to play, but I do not want to go and buy a new copy. He did not even know if you find elsewhere. Is there anywhere where I could find, uh,,,, copy online for free? Thank you.

1 comment:

Jay said...

I have exactly the same as you lol.
You can get it from http://thedakinihut.strategyplanet.gamespy.com/downloads.htm and click download on the village full version.
The best way to download the version that I tested.
In addition, when you play against other players to download the village matchmaker here - http://popre.net/new.php
Glad to see that people still play it, the community. Have fun and good luck with your downloads:)

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