Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Orthopedic Surgeon Education Plastic Surgeon Career Questions?

Plastic Surgeon Career Questions? - orthopedic surgeon education

I am 15 and I have my GED. I also continue my education. My dream is to become a plastic surgeon. I have done much research on various medical subjects that interest me (eg, orthopedic surgery, optometry, ophthalmology, surgery, respiratory, etc..), But none of them attract me rather than plastic surgery. I'm having trouble finding universities.
Do you know of a university on the coast? (I hope, Florida, North Carolina, California)
What major and minor?
How many total years of schooling?
Total enrollment?
Chances of getting a job afterwards?
Number of persons points!
Thank you ASAP!


eri said...

You can start in any 4-year college or university. Choose what you most (plastic surgery, medicine and intent are not very large), and take course planned organic chemistry, physics, mathematics and English want to. Keep your college GPA above 3.5 and are on the MCAT. Then 4 years of medical school (have) a different university, followed by 5 years, followed in general surgery (again) in another place, followed by 3-5 years of residence in the plastic surgery again (from elsewhere) and then you can get a job. Training costs between $ 0 (all grants) $ 500,000 (excluding grants and expensive tuition of private schools). Chance of a job - very good. You will not find a program specializing in plastic surgery at least until the first home.

eri said...

You can start in any 4-year college or university. Choose what you most (plastic surgery, medicine and intent are not very large), and take course planned organic chemistry, physics, mathematics and English want to. Keep your college GPA above 3.5 and are on the MCAT. Then 4 years of medical school (have) a different university, followed by 5 years, followed in general surgery (again) in another place, followed by 3-5 years of residence in the plastic surgery again (from elsewhere) and then you can get a job. Training costs between $ 0 (all grants) $ 500,000 (excluding grants and expensive tuition of private schools). Chance of a job - very good. You will not find a program specializing in plastic surgery at least until the first home.

eri said...

You can start in any 4-year college or university. Choose what you most (plastic surgery, medicine and intent are not very large), and take course planned organic chemistry, physics, mathematics and English want to. Keep your college GPA above 3.5 and are on the MCAT. Then 4 years of medical school (have) a different university, followed by 5 years, followed in general surgery (again) in another place, followed by 3-5 years of residence in the plastic surgery again (from elsewhere) and then you can get a job. Training costs between $ 0 (all grants) $ 500,000 (excluding grants and expensive tuition of private schools). Chance of a job - very good. You will not find a program specializing in plastic surgery at least until the first home.

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