Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Slim Fast Diabetes WEIGHT Problem Please HELP?

WEIGHT problem please HELP? - slim fast diabetes

Well, ok MAD think everyone here .. in this issue Now I want to know how to put on weight! I am a size 6 (UK size) and I hate it! I put the weight reduced. iv been to see my doctor and a lot of tests from my thighriod, diabetes, etc., and done in fine. I eat healthy as meat and junk food Sumtimes. I know that you are using the probs that I am lucky enough to claim that I am not that I hate it! People say I'm too skinny or that I am not in aneriox! for my height (I know), but I am small and the doctor says, I'm not very tall my weight is fine. but I have a little weight. some4 in the blessed people I would say I am a curse. My aunt told me she put weight probs than I) get older (17 now. Can anyone help me please! ps I thought of my BUILD UP (like Slim Fast, but you should lose weight slowly) thank you xx HELP PLEASE


John M said...

When you work with weights or exercise, you can supplement your diet with protein powder to build muscle. It is more difficult to win for a woman to a man, but adding muscle is almost always useful and healthy, provided they do not take steroids or other health supplements. Make sure that you too, with many different forms of exercise and healthy eating enough calories without gaining the junk food too. Junk food is terrible for you and you never know when your metabolism to bend and turn into a person who is jealous, as you now! :)

Be heard, please contact your doctor and accept a healthy weight, it seems that you already have. At his age, was to make fun, learn and enjoy life, not the frame size 6!

Kreemery said...

Eat 5 small meals a day .....
To gain practice, muscle ...
Drink milk every morning and evening.

BiteTheB... said...

I eat junk food a run and check ur lil weight every day to ensure that you do not gain too much weight .. Well, I hope you have contributed. Best answer?

Clarissa J said...

Eat tons of Snickers.

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